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A young Barbara Stanwyck was considered for the starring role as the exiled call-girl in this extremely frank pre production-code drama directed by William A. Wellman from a play by Houston Branch). The role eventually went ot Dorothy Mackaill, an evocative British-born veteran adept at playing less than respectable women. Mackaill is Gilda Karlson, a call-girl fleeing New Orle...


\t^h/ 2013-04-27

开场最好看,pre-code图腾啊!后面可以玩游戏刷网页了。好在Wellman的片节奏够快,三分钟交待完《魂断蓝桥》一样的剧情当背景,然后剧情就跟坐上高铁一样的快速前进,五分钟煽情收尾。对比之下后来的Midnight Mary是多么丰富多彩啊!

黑特-007 2023-11-04

CC推荐语言“one of the most sordid films of the Pre-Code era”,看完是真信了啊!整个一渣男荟萃,真是想不到会被韦尔曼的片子虐到想哭……

巽凌 2017-02-15

不出所料的悲剧…默女Dorothy Mackaill的赴死 Cast:' Black Garbo ' Nina Mae McKinney;默男Victor Varconi在这里是我见过他最丑的造型。Donald Cook厌恶综合征 P.S. 不到历史遗留问题的遗留问题⑤解决…